Saturday, April 5, 2008

How to detect virus which runs from pen-drive

I think it is time to describe some of my work here. Most of the computer are affected by viruses with pen-drive. And i think all of us know the golden word--"Prevention is better than cure". So if we can reject viruses from our pen-drive than, most of the problem can be solved. This tutorial for windows user.

1. Firstly after inserting your pen-drive into the computer please don't open it with double click or not even open it with right click ( I will describe it later). So what should you do. Go to command link (windows key + r) and write down cmd.

2. It will open command line for you. Write down your pen-drive volume name (like c:,d: etc) and press ENTER. Write 'attrib' command on it. The screen shot looks like

3. Search any item with 'autorun.inf' file. Delete it. If it is a system file and read only file you can't delete it with simple del command. (If you type del autorun.inf at command line it will delete it). You can see from the previous picture that at the left side of the file name there are some other word like 'A' or 'SHR'. S - means system file, H - Hidden file, R - Read only file. So to delete 'autorun.inf' simply type del -s -h -r autorun.inf. Now autorun.inf delete parmanently from your pen-drive.

4. At this point you are curious to know what is autorun.inf file. Autorun.inf file is used to run a program automatically. That is when you insert your pen-drive and double click on it or select open fright click on it the code of the virus will run automatically without knowing you. Autorun.inf itself is not a virus but it help the virus code to run it automatically.

5. If you are curious enough you can open autorun.inf (in command line edit autorun.inf) and see what is writing on it.

6. And delete any unknown file from your pen-drive.

7. If you feel trouble to do all the works mentioned. Please download the batch file and check viruses after inserting pen-drive into your machine.

Download Link

... to be continued


Atique said...

It should be del /ashr